
Find a summary of your report below. This includes notes on which mandatory fields have been filled out, with the possibility to complement and make additional edits—even if you fill out that you haven’t started measuring or are taking action in a particular area yet. Once submitted, it is not possible to update the report in this iteration.


Introduction *

Commitment and Targets *

Own Emissions *

Value Chain Emissions *


Climate Solutions *


Management, Strategy and Climate Risk *


Results, Challenges and Outlook *

Introduction *

1.1 Reporting year



1.1.1 Reporting period


from 1.2023 to 12.2023

1.2 Describe your business activities


An international development consultancy based in Canada that implements projects around the world.

1.4 Number of employees in the reporting year



1.4.1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) or headcounts


Full-time equivalent

1.5 Let us know if your company is a parent company or subsidiary


Not applicable

All mandatory fields are completed. Please complete all mandatory fields with in the section.

Commitment and Targets *

2.1 Net zero target year



2.1.1 Base year



2.2 Near-term target


25.2 of absolute scope 1 emission reduction from my base year by 2025

25.8 of absolute scope 2 emission reduction from my base year by 2025

2.3 Provide any additional comments or context on your net zero and near term targets.



All mandatory fields are completed. Please complete all mandatory fields with in the section.

Own Emissions *

3.1 To reduce emissions in line with my commitment, my company has a plan and is taking action



Energy consumption

3.2 Total energy consumption



3.3 Renewable energy


0 kwh

Scope 1 emissions

3.4 Scope 1 emissions


95.3 metric tons CO2e

Scope 2 emissions

3.5 Location based scope 2 emissions


36.8 metric tons CO2e

3.6 Market based scope 2 emissions



3.7 Describe your plans and actions taken to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions.


Through offsetting of project plane travel which is an unavoidable emission category in many cases, scope 1 emissions have and will continue to decrease. The company offices have all implemented

3.8 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy, including any tools/methods used to calculate.



All mandatory fields are completed. Please complete all mandatory fields with in the section.

Value Chain Emissions (optional) *

Scope 3 emissions

4.1 Have you measured any of your scope 3 emissions?



4.1.1 Total scope 3 emissions



Supply chain related - upstream emissions

4.1.2 Purchased goods and services



4.1.3 Capital goods



4.1.4 Fuel and energy related activities



4.1.5 Transportation and distribution (upstream)



4.1.6 Waste in operations



4.1.7 Business travel



4.1.8 Employee commuting



4.1.9 Leased assets (upstream)



Customer related - downstream emissions

4.1.10 Transportation and distribution (downstream)



4.1.11 Processing of sold products



4.1.12 Use of sold products



4.1.13 End-of-life treatment of products



4.1.14 Leased assets (downstream)



4.1.15 Franchises



4.1.16 Investments



4.1.17 Do you have a plan and are taking action to reduce emissions from your value chain?




4.2 Have you asked any of your suppliers to set a net zero target (either voluntarily or as a requirement)?



4.2.1 What percentage of your suppliers have you asked?



4.3 Have you communicated your commitment and actions to any of your customers?



4.4 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy and any tools used to calculate your scope 3 emissions.



Climate Solutions (optional) *

5.1 Do you classify any of your existing goods and/or services as a climate solution?



5.2 What percentage of your total revenue comes from sales of climate solutions?



5.3 Provide descriptions/names of your climate solutions:



5.4 Methodology used to assess these as climate solutions, and third party which has validated the assessment, if any:



Management, Strategy and Climate Risk (optional) *

6.1 What governance processes do you have in place for your climate strategy? Choose as many as are applicable.


6.1 Explain



6.1.1 Please describe their position and responsibility.



6.1.2 Is this person (or another at executive and board level) also responsible for climate risk?



6.2 Have you started to identify and assess your companies climate risks and opportunities?



6.2.1 Where are the climate risks you've identified?



6.2.1 Explain



6.2.2 How are you managing these climate risks? Choose as many as are applicable.


6.2.2 Explain



6.2.3 Provide any additional comments or context on your climate risks:



6.3 Have you integrated climate and/or nature into your company mission statement or shareholder agreements? If yes, describe how.




6.4 Have you taken actions this year outside of your emissions to accelerate climate progress?




Results, Challenges and Outlook *

7.1 Provide any additional comments or context on your annual results and progress from previous years.



7.2 Do you face any key challenges in reducing emissions?


Specify other challenges



7.3 Has there been any third party validation of the data submitted in this report?




All mandatory fields are completed. Please complete all mandatory fields with in the section.

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to complete your report and for sharing the progress your business is making in climate action. The reporting tool will be continuously developed to support SMEs in sharing progress on their commitment, and we welcome your feedback.

  • View and download your full report through the results page
  • The report and its data can be integrated into annual business reports or shared on your company’s website.
  • The reporting data provided will be made public over time, in line with the SME Climate Commitment – find out more.
  • In a year’s time you will be expected to complete your next report. You will be notified via your user dashboard and email ahead of time.
  • What’s next? Take action through tools and resources in your user dashboard!