Sasha Chebil

Deputy Director, Communications​ at We Mean Business Coalition

New reporting tool and guidelines are now available on the SME Climate Hub

The SME Climate Hub has launched a new reporting tool that allows businesses to publish an annual carbon emissions report to maintain their committed status to the SME Climate Hub and the United Nations Race to Zero campaign. Through the new tool, available for free to all committed businesses, companies will be asked to report annual greenhouse gas emissions, list actions taken to reduce business and value chain emissions, and provide comments on progress.

The reporting tool is based on the simplified disclosure framework for SMEs developed by CDP, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Normative and provides a public and downloadable report that businesses can use in their public communications and annual accounting. Reporting provides businesses with the opportunity to share their climate action progress with customers, financers and other stakeholders, and helps set themselves apart from competitors as climate leaders. 

Get started today!

Committed businesses can log in to their account on the SME Climate Hub website. Once logged in, click « Report » under the « Tools to drive change » section.

Businesses have the option to report through the SME Climate Hub reporting tool or to upload an existing report. External reports must include an account of business emissions, actions taken to reduce emissions, and comments on progress.

If using the SME Climate Hub tool, continue to create a new report. Questions with a red asterisk are required to complete the process. Don’t have the answer to a question? Don’t worry. Click « Save » and move to a different section while you obtain the necessary information.

Once complete, click « Prepare report for submission. » Reports cannot be edited once shared, so please review the report before submitting to the SME Climate Hub.

Report data will be made public over time, in line with the SME Climate Commitment. Public reporting of emissions provides the transparency and accountability needed to evaluate the impact of emissions reduction plans, identify barriers, and improve business management to tackle climate change. Download the report as a CSV or PDF file to share with stakeholders or include the data in annual business updates.

Your commitment date determines your reporting timeline.

  • Businesses that made the SME Climate Commitment in 2020 or 2021 will have until July 2023 to submit their report.
  • Joined in 2022 or January 2023? Business have 18 months from the commitment date to report. 
  • Businesses who join the SME Climate Hub from February 2023 must provide their report within 12 months of their commitment date.

Get started with the new tool today and report emissions to continue being counted as an SME Climate Hub signatory and part of the Race to Zero campaign. We look forward to helping small businesses take the next step in reaching their climate goals.

Additional information on the requirements for reporting can be found here

Report your emissions reduction progress today!

Meet the SME Climate Commitment requirement and provide the transparency and accountability needed to evaluate the impact of emissions reduction plans, identify barriers, and improve business management to tackle climate change.