
The basics

Setting up climate governance and strategy

Establish climate governance and strategy to manage your sustainability efforts.

Action Guide

Climate strategy and governance

Incorporate sustainability into the heart of your business’s strategy.


1.5°C Business Playbook

Guidelines to set climate targets, strategy and actions.

External resource
Action Guide

Setting up climate governance and strategy

Establishing a climate governance structure and strategy is essential for SMEs to manage their sustainability efforts effectively. Without a clear division of responsibilities, companies risk missing out on opportunities or demands from customers and suppliers. This guide outlines how SMEs can approach setting up climate governance within your organization and developing a comprehensive climate strategy.

Our Action Guides focus on simplicity and speed, and are appropriate for all SMEs.

Time to complete: 10 minutes

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Climate strategy and governance

Your business’s ability to successfully reduce emissions depends on the effectiveness of its strategy. As the world transitions to a net zero economy, SMEs need to decarbonize in order to stay competitive.

This Climate Fit module provides a guide to embed sustainability at the core of your business strategy and helps identify areas where you can make the greatest impact.

Our courses are designed for SMEs of all sizes and are a good entry point for those getting started.

Time to complete: 30 minutes

External resource

1.5°C Business Playbook

The Playbook is suited for companies and organisations of all sizes that want to align with 1.5°C and net-zero ambition. It contains guidance for companies of all sizes to set targets, strategy and actions.

Time to read: 1 hour

Provided by ERI


Utilise strategic planning and be accountable


Share your emissions reduction progress annually.


Integrate climate into strategic planning

Take steps to support climate-based strategic planning.

External resource

Build a cross-functional climate team

Enable your team to better support your sustainability strategy.

External resource


The SME Reporting Tool helps small businesses create annual greenhouse gas emission reports and track their reduction efforts. Tailored for SMEs and originated from the SME Climate Disclosure Framework, the reported data can be used in your business reports, websites, or shared with stakeholders.

For any SME who has begun their climate action journey and would like to do year-to-year comparison of their emissions reductions progress while increasing transparency and accountability.

Time to complete: 30 minutes

External resource

Integrate climate into strategic planning

Businesses today must address the tangible effects of climate change, while also transitioning towards a low-carbon economy. This resource outlines how to integrate climate-based strategic planning, identify risks and opportunities, prioritize actions for resilience, and align portfolios with climate goals.

Time to complete: 20 minutes

Provided by WBCSD

External resource

Build a cross-functional climate team

Transitioning to sustainable practices can be challenging. Cross-functional teams can better support your sustainability strategy by engaging the appropriate stakeholders, getting buy-in from key leadership across the company, and unlocking additional skills and expertise that can help you realize your goals.

Time to complete: 15 minutes

Provided by EDF