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Introduction *

Commitment and Targets *

Own Emissions *

Value Chain Emissions *


Climate Solutions *


Management, Strategy and Climate Risk *


Results, Challenges and Outlook *

Version 1.1.0

Introduction *

1.1 Reporting year



1.1.1 Reporting period


from 4.2023 to 3.2024

1.4 Number of employees in the reporting year



1.4.1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) or headcounts


Full-time equivalent

1.5 Let us know if your company is a parent company or subsidiary


Not applicable

Commitment and Targets *

2.1 Net zero target year



2.1.1 Base year



2.2 Near-term target


50% of absolute scope 1 emission reduction from my base year by 2030

50 of absolute scope 2 emission reduction from my base year by 2030

2.3 Provide any additional comments or context on your net zero and near term targets.


SBN’s overall goal is to align with a +1.5 degree C trajectory, by halving emissions before 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Since we have begun calculating our carbon footprint, SBN has shifted from a calendar year to a financial year. Our carbon footprint for 2022 was measured and reported against the calendar year. We have since changed our method of reporting to align with the SBN financial year. We have adjusted previous footprint measurements to align with the new dates, from 2019-2020 onwards. Our total footprint for 2022-2023 has been re-calculated, achieving a carbon footprint of 7.61 tCO²-e. Base year is 2020 (April 2019 - March 2020) with total emissions 19.28 tCO2e Near term target year is 2030 (April 2029 - March 2030)

Own Emissions *

3.1 To reduce emissions in line with my commitment, my company has a plan and is taking action



Energy consumption

3.2 Total energy consumption


12051 kwh

3.3 Renewable energy


11783 kwh

Scope 1 emissions

3.4 Scope 1 emissions


0.067 metric tons CO2e

Scope 2 emissions

3.5 Location based scope 2 emissions


0.98 metric tons CO2e

3.7 Describe your plans and actions taken to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions.


SBN has introduced a travel policy to determine whether travel is deemed necessary. It encourages the use of active or alternative modes of transport, such as bus, ferry or rail, before undertaking a car journey. SBN has an electric bike available for use as well as Auckland Transport electronic payment cards for public transport. SBN has one staff car. This is a plug-in hybrid Prius. It can travel up to 60 km on electricity. Staff are encouraged to book the hybrid when requiring a vehicle for business travel. We charge the car regularly and it has a good fuel efficiency of 1.4L per 100km (at the time of writing this report). If staff are travelling for longer distances, electric car share options are encouraged. SBN has an internal driving policy to ensure all staff demonstrate safe, efficient driving when using the staff vehicle. The policy encourages good journey planning habits and ultimately aims to reduce the impact of SBN travel on the environment. SBN has a plan in place to reduce our energy consumption in the office. Staff are encouraged to efficiently use office heating/cooling, lighting and electrical appliances. The SBN office administrator supports this by switching off all equipment at the end of the day or when not in use (e.g. the coffee machine), and ensures the dishwasher is run only when full. The bathrooms all have sensor lighting and in the latest office renovation, we had sensor lighting installed in the new meeting rooms. Energy-efficient options are also prioritised when it comes to replacing equipment. All our purchased electricity is Toitū climate positive certified renewable electricity from Ecotricity.

3.8 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy, including any tools/methods used to calculate.


Emission data reported here was calculated using the emissions calculator included in the Climate Action Toolbox. Commuting emissions were calculated separately using New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment. Calculations are based on activity data except where specified below. Each of the emission factors used in calculations is taken from the set of New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). All output data is calculated in units of kg CO2 equivalent.

Value Chain Emissions (optional) *

Scope 3 emissions

4.1 Have you measured any of your scope 3 emissions?



4.1.1 Total scope 3 emissions


12.04 metric tons CO2e

Supply chain related - upstream emissions

4.1.6 Waste in operations


0.002 metric tons CO2e

4.1.7 Business travel


3.206 metric tons CO2e

4.1.8 Employee commuting


7.99 metric tons CO2e

Customer related - downstream emissions

4.1.17 Do you have a plan and are taking action to reduce emissions from your value chain?




4.2 Have you asked any of your suppliers to set a net zero target (either voluntarily or as a requirement)?



4.2.1 What percentage of your suppliers have you asked?


- of spend

4.3 Have you communicated your commitment and actions to any of your customers?



4.4 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy and any tools used to calculate your scope 3 emissions.


Emission data reported here was calculated using the emissions calculator included in the Climate Action Toolbox. Commuting emissions were calculated separately using New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment. Calculations are based on activity data except where specified below. Each of the emission factors used in calculations is taken from the set of New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). All output data is calculated in units of kg CO2 equivalent. Input data for value chain emissions have been given in relevant activity units. Waste is calculated through monthly waste audits, with the output being total tonnes of waste to landfill. For Business Travel, this is predominantly passenger kilometres traveled, with the exception being taxi use which uses a spend-based emission factor (based on dollars spent). Our Scope 3 emissions also include the emissions associated with employees working from home. Note that there is no sub category for this data input, of 0.844 tCO2. This amount has been included in the total scope 3 emissions. Working from home emissions have been calculated using the appropriate MfE emission factor and annual employee hours working from home. Note that these hours are taken as an average estimation based on a staff survey and may not be an exact reflection of the total annual hours worked from home. Similarly, we have started calculating the emissions associated with staff commuting. This is an estimation based on a staff survey that captures the average number of days the employee works from the office, and their typical mode of commute. The total emissions from each employee’s commute has then been calculated using the appropriate MfE emission factors for the emission mode.

Climate Solutions (optional) *

5.1 Do you classify any of your existing goods and/or services as a climate solution?



5.2 What percentage of your total revenue comes from sales of climate solutions?


15 %

5.3 Provide descriptions/names of your climate solutions:


Through our Climate Action programme, SBN has co-created the Climate Action Toolbox, an online resource for small businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand to take climate action through measuring their emissions and building and implementing an action plan with step by step emissions reduction actions. SBN also delivers workshops and training for organisations focussed on how to take climate action. 15% of our revenue in the most recent financial year was income for our Climate Action programme. This programme provides solutions as described above that are mostly free for end users. Some of the advisory services SBN provides are also focussed on emissions measurement and reduction as part of organisations’ sustainability strategies. Many other elements of our work support businesses to make changes that contribute to reducing their emissions. The initiatives described above are the most aligned with the primary purpose of enabling others to reduce their emissions.

5.4 Methodology used to assess these as climate solutions, and third party which has validated the assessment, if any:


Assessment as climate solutions is based on the primary purpose of the work described, and the topics covered and information provided through these services, all of which are focussed on climate action and emissions reduction. We have not had our assessment validated by a third party.

Management, Strategy and Climate Risk (optional) *

6.1 What governance processes do you have in place for your climate strategy? Choose as many as are applicable.


Governance process in place,Person is responsible for climate strategy at board level,Other (please specify)

6.1 Explain


SBN’s mission and purpose are strongly aligned with reducing emissions and regenerating nature through our operations and our work with businesses. We report on progress against KPIs quarterly to our board, and annually in an audited annual report.

6.1.1 Please describe their position and responsibility.


SBN’s internal climate strategy is approved each year by our national board. The Programme Lead - Climate is responsible for developing our strategy, and our CEO is responsible at board level.

6.2 Have you started to identify and assess your companies climate risks and opportunities?


No - we plan to in the next 1-5 years

6.3 Have you integrated climate and/or nature into your company mission statement or shareholder agreements? If yes, describe how.



Our mission is “Accelerating Aotearoa New Zealand’s transition to a regenerative, low emissions, circular economy”.

6.4 Have you taken actions this year outside of your emissions to accelerate climate progress?



Some of our other actions include: Advising other organisations on climate action Maintaining, improving and promoting the Climate Action Toolbox - a free tool to help organisations take climate action and measure their emissions Training organisations in climate action Making submissions to government and local councils on climate issues, and encouraging others to do the same Writing and sharing stories and case studies on climate action Celebrating organisations successfully taking climate action through the Sustainable Business Awards (climate category) Partnering with community organisations to run on-the-ground regenerative nature projects, including planting native plants and trees Training organisations in taking action to regenerate nature Working to increase investment in nature regeneration Maintaining and promoting the Circular Economy Directory, a free tool to help businesses find low carbon solutions Leading a research consortium to input into the government’s Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy as part of the Emissions Reduction Plan

Results, Challenges and Outlook *

7.1 Provide any additional comments or context on your annual results and progress from previous years.


SBN has been estimating our carbon emissions since 2016. Historically, we have been measuring and reporting against a calendar year, however we have now changed our method to align with the SBN financial year (April - March). We have adjusted previous footprint measurements to align with the new dates. 2019-2020 was identified as the earliest financial year with a reliable data set and robust methodology. We have set this as our base year, achieving a total carbon footprint of 19.38 T CO2e. The 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 financial years both achieved a carbon footprint of 5.81 TCO2e. This reduction was largely attributed to Covid-19 lockdowns and a reduction in staff travel. In 2022-2023, we achieved a total footprint of 7.61 TCO2e, meeting our target of a maximum 8 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent emitted. Enabling some staff to move out of Auckland, where SBN’s office is located, resulted in an increase in budgeted flights compared to the previous year. This was due to the need to support remote staff to come to Auckland for work commitments and team building. In the latest financial year (2023-2024), we set a carbon budget of a maximum of 9.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Since setting this target, we decided to increase the scope of our footprint to provide a more realistic view of our Scope 3 emissions. This included an additional 7.99 tCo2e from employee commuting emissions. This addition resulted in us exceeding our initial budget, achieving a total carbon footprint for the 2023-2024 financial year of 13.09 tCO2. Staff commuting is a significant introduction to our total footprint, and an area we will be working with staff to reduce where possible. It should be noted that the majority of our commuting footprint is related to public transport, which we actively encourage (alongside walking and biking). The emissions associated with it have limited control over. We are investigating a commuting app which will allow us to have better data and identify opportunities to reduce further.

7.2 Do you face any key challenges in reducing emissions?


Limited control over energy use in buildings,Reducing emissions from business travel,Electrifying the vehicle fleet and/or cutting transport emissions,Balancing emission reductions with business growth

7.3 Has there been any third party validation of the data submitted in this report?



We are audited annually so any impact data/financial has been checked by auditors. We have not gone through a verification process for our carbon emissions, however.

's Climate Report - 2024

Introduction *

1.1 Reporting year



1.1.1 Reporting period


from 4.2023 to 3.2024

1.4 Number of employees in the reporting year



1.4.1 Full-time equivalent (FTE) or headcounts


Full-time equivalent

1.5 Let us know if your company is a parent company or subsidiary


Not applicable

Commitment and Targets *

2.1 Net zero target year



2.1.1 Base year



2.2 Near-term target


50% of absolute scope 1 emission reduction from my base year by 2030

50 of absolute scope 2 emission reduction from my base year by 2030

2.3 Provide any additional comments or context on your net zero and near term targets.


SBN’s overall goal is to align with a +1.5 degree C trajectory, by halving emissions before 2030 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Since we have begun calculating our carbon footprint, SBN has shifted from a calendar year to a financial year. Our carbon footprint for 2022 was measured and reported against the calendar year. We have since changed our method of reporting to align with the SBN financial year. We have adjusted previous footprint measurements to align with the new dates, from 2019-2020 onwards. Our total footprint for 2022-2023 has been re-calculated, achieving a carbon footprint of 7.61 tCO²-e. Base year is 2020 (April 2019 - March 2020) with total emissions 19.28 tCO2e Near term target year is 2030 (April 2029 - March 2030)

Own Emissions *

3.1 To reduce emissions in line with my commitment, my company has a plan and is taking action



Energy consumption

3.2 Total energy consumption


12051 kwh

3.3 Renewable energy


11783 kwh

Scope 1 emissions

3.4 Scope 1 emissions


0.067 metric tons CO2e

Scope 2 emissions

3.5 Location based scope 2 emissions


0.98 metric tons CO2e

3.7 Describe your plans and actions taken to reduce scope 1 & 2 emissions.


SBN has introduced a travel policy to determine whether travel is deemed necessary. It encourages the use of active or alternative modes of transport, such as bus, ferry or rail, before undertaking a car journey. SBN has an electric bike available for use as well as Auckland Transport electronic payment cards for public transport. SBN has one staff car. This is a plug-in hybrid Prius. It can travel up to 60 km on electricity. Staff are encouraged to book the hybrid when requiring a vehicle for business travel. We charge the car regularly and it has a good fuel efficiency of 1.4L per 100km (at the time of writing this report). If staff are travelling for longer distances, electric car share options are encouraged. SBN has an internal driving policy to ensure all staff demonstrate safe, efficient driving when using the staff vehicle. The policy encourages good journey planning habits and ultimately aims to reduce the impact of SBN travel on the environment. SBN has a plan in place to reduce our energy consumption in the office. Staff are encouraged to efficiently use office heating/cooling, lighting and electrical appliances. The SBN office administrator supports this by switching off all equipment at the end of the day or when not in use (e.g. the coffee machine), and ensures the dishwasher is run only when full. The bathrooms all have sensor lighting and in the latest office renovation, we had sensor lighting installed in the new meeting rooms. Energy-efficient options are also prioritised when it comes to replacing equipment. All our purchased electricity is Toitū climate positive certified renewable electricity from Ecotricity.

3.8 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy, including any tools/methods used to calculate.


Emission data reported here was calculated using the emissions calculator included in the Climate Action Toolbox. Commuting emissions were calculated separately using New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment. Calculations are based on activity data except where specified below. Each of the emission factors used in calculations is taken from the set of New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). All output data is calculated in units of kg CO2 equivalent.

Value Chain Emissions (optional) *

Scope 3 emissions

4.1 Have you measured any of your scope 3 emissions?



4.1.1 Total scope 3 emissions


12.04 metric tons CO2e

Supply chain related - upstream emissions

4.1.6 Waste in operations


0.002 metric tons CO2e

4.1.7 Business travel


3.206 metric tons CO2e

4.1.8 Employee commuting


7.99 metric tons CO2e

Customer related - downstream emissions

4.1.17 Do you have a plan and are taking action to reduce emissions from your value chain?




4.2 Have you asked any of your suppliers to set a net zero target (either voluntarily or as a requirement)?



4.2.1 What percentage of your suppliers have you asked?


- of spend

4.3 Have you communicated your commitment and actions to any of your customers?



4.4 Describe the calculation methodology and comment on the data accuracy and any tools used to calculate your scope 3 emissions.


Emission data reported here was calculated using the emissions calculator included in the Climate Action Toolbox. Commuting emissions were calculated separately using New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment. Calculations are based on activity data except where specified below. Each of the emission factors used in calculations is taken from the set of New Zealand emission factors published by the Ministry for the Environment (MfE). All output data is calculated in units of kg CO2 equivalent. Input data for value chain emissions have been given in relevant activity units. Waste is calculated through monthly waste audits, with the output being total tonnes of waste to landfill. For Business Travel, this is predominantly passenger kilometres traveled, with the exception being taxi use which uses a spend-based emission factor (based on dollars spent). Our Scope 3 emissions also include the emissions associated with employees working from home. Note that there is no sub category for this data input, of 0.844 tCO2. This amount has been included in the total scope 3 emissions. Working from home emissions have been calculated using the appropriate MfE emission factor and annual employee hours working from home. Note that these hours are taken as an average estimation based on a staff survey and may not be an exact reflection of the total annual hours worked from home. Similarly, we have started calculating the emissions associated with staff commuting. This is an estimation based on a staff survey that captures the average number of days the employee works from the office, and their typical mode of commute. The total emissions from each employee’s commute has then been calculated using the appropriate MfE emission factors for the emission mode.

Climate Solutions (optional) *

5.1 Do you classify any of your existing goods and/or services as a climate solution?



5.2 What percentage of your total revenue comes from sales of climate solutions?


15 %

5.3 Provide descriptions/names of your climate solutions:


Through our Climate Action programme, SBN has co-created the Climate Action Toolbox, an online resource for small businesses in Aotearoa New Zealand to take climate action through measuring their emissions and building and implementing an action plan with step by step emissions reduction actions. SBN also delivers workshops and training for organisations focussed on how to take climate action. 15% of our revenue in the most recent financial year was income for our Climate Action programme. This programme provides solutions as described above that are mostly free for end users. Some of the advisory services SBN provides are also focussed on emissions measurement and reduction as part of organisations’ sustainability strategies. Many other elements of our work support businesses to make changes that contribute to reducing their emissions. The initiatives described above are the most aligned with the primary purpose of enabling others to reduce their emissions.

5.4 Methodology used to assess these as climate solutions, and third party which has validated the assessment, if any:


Assessment as climate solutions is based on the primary purpose of the work described, and the topics covered and information provided through these services, all of which are focussed on climate action and emissions reduction. We have not had our assessment validated by a third party.

Management, Strategy and Climate Risk (optional) *

6.1 What governance processes do you have in place for your climate strategy? Choose as many as are applicable.


Governance process in place,Person is responsible for climate strategy at board level,Other (please specify)

6.1 Explain


SBN’s mission and purpose are strongly aligned with reducing emissions and regenerating nature through our operations and our work with businesses. We report on progress against KPIs quarterly to our board, and annually in an audited annual report.

6.1.1 Please describe their position and responsibility.


SBN’s internal climate strategy is approved each year by our national board. The Programme Lead - Climate is responsible for developing our strategy, and our CEO is responsible at board level.

6.2 Have you started to identify and assess your companies climate risks and opportunities?


No - we plan to in the next 1-5 years

6.3 Have you integrated climate and/or nature into your company mission statement or shareholder agreements? If yes, describe how.



Our mission is “Accelerating Aotearoa New Zealand’s transition to a regenerative, low emissions, circular economy”.

6.4 Have you taken actions this year outside of your emissions to accelerate climate progress?



Some of our other actions include: Advising other organisations on climate action Maintaining, improving and promoting the Climate Action Toolbox - a free tool to help organisations take climate action and measure their emissions Training organisations in climate action Making submissions to government and local councils on climate issues, and encouraging others to do the same Writing and sharing stories and case studies on climate action Celebrating organisations successfully taking climate action through the Sustainable Business Awards (climate category) Partnering with community organisations to run on-the-ground regenerative nature projects, including planting native plants and trees Training organisations in taking action to regenerate nature Working to increase investment in nature regeneration Maintaining and promoting the Circular Economy Directory, a free tool to help businesses find low carbon solutions Leading a research consortium to input into the government’s Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy as part of the Emissions Reduction Plan

Results, Challenges and Outlook *

7.1 Provide any additional comments or context on your annual results and progress from previous years.


SBN has been estimating our carbon emissions since 2016. Historically, we have been measuring and reporting against a calendar year, however we have now changed our method to align with the SBN financial year (April - March). We have adjusted previous footprint measurements to align with the new dates. 2019-2020 was identified as the earliest financial year with a reliable data set and robust methodology. We have set this as our base year, achieving a total carbon footprint of 19.38 T CO2e. The 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 financial years both achieved a carbon footprint of 5.81 TCO2e. This reduction was largely attributed to Covid-19 lockdowns and a reduction in staff travel. In 2022-2023, we achieved a total footprint of 7.61 TCO2e, meeting our target of a maximum 8 tonnes carbon dioxide equivalent emitted. Enabling some staff to move out of Auckland, where SBN’s office is located, resulted in an increase in budgeted flights compared to the previous year. This was due to the need to support remote staff to come to Auckland for work commitments and team building. In the latest financial year (2023-2024), we set a carbon budget of a maximum of 9.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Since setting this target, we decided to increase the scope of our footprint to provide a more realistic view of our Scope 3 emissions. This included an additional 7.99 tCo2e from employee commuting emissions. This addition resulted in us exceeding our initial budget, achieving a total carbon footprint for the 2023-2024 financial year of 13.09 tCO2. Staff commuting is a significant introduction to our total footprint, and an area we will be working with staff to reduce where possible. It should be noted that the majority of our commuting footprint is related to public transport, which we actively encourage (alongside walking and biking). The emissions associated with it have limited control over. We are investigating a commuting app which will allow us to have better data and identify opportunities to reduce further.

7.2 Do you face any key challenges in reducing emissions?


Limited control over energy use in buildings,Reducing emissions from business travel,Electrifying the vehicle fleet and/or cutting transport emissions,Balancing emission reductions with business growth

7.3 Has there been any third party validation of the data submitted in this report?



We are audited annually so any impact data/financial has been checked by auditors. We have not gone through a verification process for our carbon emissions, however.

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